photograph of blonde girl in black and gray checkered jacket holding a camera and petting a beautiful black and white spotted goat

sammantha is a self-taught internationally published photographer. her photographs of animals, whether at sanctuaries or in the wild, showcase their beauty, bonds and vibrant personalities in hopes that viewers will consider kinder choices when it comes to all aspects of their lives. for the past seven plus years sammantha has traveled the world providing free photography services to animal sanctuaries.

samm's images have been used for billboards in London, NYC, Toronto, Vienna, and many locations in Australia - as well as in advertisements, leaflets and television commercials for animal rights organizations and other companies. her work has been featured by VegNews Magazine, Canon USA, Country Living Magazine, Travel Channel,, CNN, The Dodo, National Geographic, Bored Panda, Laika Magazine, Frommers, Fodor's Travel, All Creatures Magazine, One Green Planet, and many others. she was featured by the social media platform, Instagram, in a video series called "Advocates" alongside Greta Thunberg, Jack Harries and other activists, which you can view here.

when sammantha is not behind the camera she enjoys spending time with her husband, volunteering for a local hospice non-profit, baking vegan treats, and reading non-fiction books.